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Hands of Hope

"We strive for a day when violence is no longer part of our lives"

We are proud to partner with Domestic and Sexual Violence Services of Carbon and Stillwater Counties.
Since its founding, DSVS has helped hundreds of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and
stalking through direct services, therapy, and temporary housing support. DSVS plans to use 50% of
the funds to support providing direct services to client survivors in Carbon and Stillwater Counties,
and the remaining 50% of the funds to support education and training efforts in Carbon and Stillwater Counties.

Western Security Bank volunteers spent a day serving alongside the DSVS volunteers and employees
coordinating and delivering yard signs which help to promote their services and the message that
they believe and stand with victims.
Volunteers are the backbone of DSVS, and without them, they could
not do the life-changing work that they do. They're always looking for
new volunteers who believe that everyone deserves healthy relationships.
If you can see yourself helping to transform lives, contact them to find
out where your skills and talents might be the best fit.